Donnerstag, 2. November 2017

Ask Anne-Marie - Celebrity Soaper Edition

As you can imagine, Bramble Berry CEO and Founder Anne-Marie gets a lot of questions. They're about everything from owning a business to using natural colorants in soap. While she can't answer them all, that won't stop her from trying in the ...


Soap Queen Blog

Ask Anne-Marie – Celebrity Soaper Edition

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As you can imagine, Bramble Berry CEO and Founder Anne-Marie gets a lot of questions. They're about everything from owning a business to using natural colorants in soap. While she can't answer them all, that won't stop her from trying in the newest episode of Ask Anne-Marie. You can watch the first episode here and the second episode here.

This episode has a fun twist. The questions are from some of our favorite soapers – Bee of Sorcery Soap, Sarah of Spicy Pinecone, Kevin of Devinely Designed, and Lane of Mama Bass Handmade Soap. They ask Anne-Marie about her favorite fragrance, the biggest obstacle she faced scaling up her business, and the mentors who helped her along the way. 


Bee of Sorcery Soap:
@0:47 – What soap do you use in the bath? What soap is in there right now?
@1:38 – What is the lowest water discount you use and why?
@2:28 – How long does it take to formulate a new fragrance oil?

Sarah of Spicy Pinecone:
@3:45 – What is the biggest obstacle you had to face when scaling up your business, and how did you overcome it?

Kevin of Devinely Designed:
@5:04 – Now that you have a very successful busy soap business, do you ever just make soap for fun anymore?
@5:52 – You are stranded on a gorgeous tropical island that happens to have a fully stocked soap shack, except it only has one fragrance or essential oil. What is it?

Lane of Mama Bass Handmade Soap:
@6:14 – Have you been creative and crafty since you were a little girl?
@7:00 – When you were first beginning soapmaking, did you have a mentor?
@8:16 – What is your absolute, most favorite fragrance you carry?
@8:53 – I’ve noticed you and I both have very spirited and mischievous little girls! What is your favorite way to entertain her when you’re trying to get things done? Is she crafty like you?

Have a question you’d like to ask Anne-Marie? Leave a comment below and she may answer it in the next edition.

The post Ask Anne-Marie – Celebrity Soaper Edition appeared first on Soap Queen.


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