Donnerstag, 3. August 2017

Meet Jan Berry, the Nerdy Farm Wife

Learn how she finds time to make soap and more on her 7 acre farm.
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Meet Jan Berry - the Nerdy Farm Wife


Jan Berry, AKA the Nerdy Farm Wife, believes that handmade is best made.

She lives on a seven-acre farm full of chickens, ducks, bunnies, goats, turkeys, pigs, honey bees, dogs, and cats. She’s also surrounded by flowers and herbs. Jan wanted to find one creative use for each plant in her garden, so she decided to give soapmaking a try.

“My first batch failed. Then the second one did the same. You would think that third time’s the charm, right? Well, no. That one failed too. It was frustrating and I almost gave up. Finally, on the fourth go-round, I got it right and haven’t looked back since.”

In addition to gardening, caring for her animals, and homeschooling her two children, she somehow finds time to make soap and write about it in her popular blog and e-books. Jan doesn’t sell the soap she makes. Instead, she gives bars away as gifts and uses her experiences to support her community of soapers. Jan offers recipes and ideas that prove it’s not only about the destination, but also the journey.

“The best part for me is when I find a use for something that most people overlook or discard,” she says. “For example, one of my first herbal experiments was putting dandelion flowers in soap. I've always loved their cheerfulness and still can't understand why people hate them so. I love that I can take something despised and turn it into something desirable, to show people that it does have value if they look hard enough.”

For more about Jan, check out, where she’ll be sharing recipes made with our new essential oil blends. For more tips, tricks, and tutorials, visit us at

We find inspiration in people like Jan and we’d love to hear more about what you do with our ingredients! Share your stories with us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and tell us how you #BrambleOn.


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Bramble Berry, Inc.
2138 Humboldt St., Bellingham, Washington 98225
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