Freitag, 10. Februar 2017

COHE Briefing Call - Febuary 16th

This is a brief update to bring you up to speed on legislative issues regarding potential cosmetic regulatory reform. With the political transition currently, there are a lot of unknowns legislatively. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions ...


Soap Queen Blog

COHE Briefing Call – Febuary 16th

This is a brief update to bring you up to speed on legislative issues regarding potential cosmetic regulatory reform. With the political transition currently, there are a lot of unknowns legislatively. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee held its cosmetics hearing in September, 2016, and while no announcements were made, it appeared that there was a consensus on the part of senators who participated in the hearing that they would attempt to pass legislation at some point in the future. Senators Collins (R-ME) and Feinstein (D-CA) continue to push their legislation, S.1014, the so-called "Personal Care Products Safety Act."  Representatives Frank Pallone and Leonard Lance, both of New Jersey, continue to work on the "discussion draft" they released in September.

On Thursday, February 16th (one week from today), there is a COHE briefing call at 11 a.m. PST. In this briefing call, we will discuss what we expect in 2017 and how you can help the discussion. Don’t hesitate to join the conversation and stay informed on the issues that may impact your small business.

Dial-in: 712-832-8327
Access Code: 6344642

If you have any questions to submit for the briefing, please submit them through the Contact Us page here. Want to receive updates in your email, regarding proposed small business legislation? Sign up for COHE here. 

The post COHE Briefing Call – Febuary 16th appeared first on Soap Queen.


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